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The Youth Justice Leadership Program (YJLP) is a 7-month long virtual program for youth in grades 9-12 who are interested in building leadership skills and making a positive change in the world. The program is designed to inspire and empower students to become leaders and active change makers in their communities and beyond.  Youth participants will develop civic agency through history, literacy, and service all through a diversity justice lens.
The program consists of four (4) areas: 
  • Learning about real US history and how historical events shape the present, along with reading and discussing literature that deals with injustice
  • Advocacy training and adding a youth perspective to calls to action when it comes to injustice
  • Leadership style discovery through exercises to identify leadership style and what kind of leader youth participants want to be 
  • Contribution through a community service project that will make a positive impact in the world
Youth participants will engage in eye-opening, meaningful, interactive sessions that enforce critical thinking, civic responsibility, and justice while building confidence, competence, and awareness of socially relevant issues. 
The YJLP will meet twice a month from October 2024 through April 2025. Sessions will be held virtually on Wednesdays from 6:00 – 7:30 pm. The program will culminate with an in-person awards ceremony in April 2025.  Attendance at every session is strongly encouraged.



The Youth Justice Leadership Program (YJLP) exists to inspire and empower young people to be the change they wish to see in the world by developing leadership skills and civic agency with a focus on diversity justice. Aligned with this primary purpose, the Youth Justice Leadership Program is designed to fulfill the following goals:


GOAL ONE: Increase youth participants’ knowledge of real US history and social justice literature that challenges them to stand up to bigotry and hate. 

GOAL TWO: Promote social justice advocacy and increase youth participants’ desires to respond to calls to action against injustice. 

GOAL THREE: Develop youth participants’ understanding of their own leadership style and what kind of leaders they want to be.

GOAL FOUR: Students will utilize their leadership skills and will make a positive impact in the world through a community service project.

  • Earn community service hours – up to 30+ hours
  • Meet and build friendships with other young people
  • Program is attractive to colleges/universities
  • Interactive facilitator/student experience, program is limited to 20 students
  • Develop leadership skills in a fun, exciting way that will help at school, in your community and in your future career.
The program is facilitated by NYS certified educators. We also invite guest speakers including community leaders, social justice advocates and leadership development style experts. Our facilitators and speakers will help students develop skills and knowledge that are not taught in a traditional classroom. 
Click here to meet our facilitators.
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We welcome youth of all abilities, genders, races and ethnicities, socioeconomic backgrounds, religions, and other identities.

Connect with the YJLP Team:
Email Kate Howlett at


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© 2019 by WDN Resource Center aka Women's Diversity Network

Phone: 516-218-6099 Email:                         

New York Address: 47 Echo Ave., #1054, Miller Place, NY 11764-2148

Georgia Address: 516 Sosebee Farm Rd., #382, Grayson, GA 30017

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